Attention Consignors: Consignment Checks Update

We have been delayed by about two weeks on a series of checks from the 6/30/24 to 7/21/24 auctions due to issues with our now former accountant/check writing service. We have transitioned to a more secure accounting service and have been assured future service will be maintained on-time and without interruption. Those of you who are expecting checks from those sales should see them by next week according to our estimates. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

Going forward all Seller Settlements will be emailed approx one week before checks go out in the mail. Checks will no longer come in a CFA envelope with settlements attached. They will instead come in the mail from our checking service approx one week after the settlement is emailed to you. If you have any questions please email us at We appreciate your understanding in advance and hope this is the first and last issue we have with such services. 


Closed For Memorial Day

Hello Auction Goers,

Just a quick reminder that we will be closed Monday May 27th for Memorial day. We will be open Tuesday-Friday for the rest of the week.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

Crawford Family Auctions

COMING SOON - Proxibid Presents atgPay

We have some exciting news to share today. Proxibid is rolling out a new site-wide payment solution for all auction houses called atgPay. You will see auction houses rolling out this feature as early as today. We will be integrating atgPay on October 1st. As we begin rolling out this new payment solution we wanted to inform all of our customers about this exciting new platform:

atgPay has been built from the ground up as a more secure, integrated, and streamlined payment solution for both auction houses and you, the customer. Some of the features you can expect from atgPay are:

Fast: Spend less time arranging payments with one click payments.

Easy: Pay directly from your Proxibid account, with just a few clicks.

Secure: Your personal information is sercure. atgPay meets the strictest requirements for security and PCI compliance.

There are some important things to note about atgPay that we want to make sure our bidders are aware of ahead of time:

As a global ecommerce platform, Proxibid will be collecting local sales tax moving forward. Due to state regulations Proxibid will be required to collect sales tax in certain states. Please refer to this list to see if your state will require Proxibid to collect sales tax:

To provide customers with this new platform that is faster, simpler, and more secure atgPay will be charging a small processing fee on your invoices.

Moving forward our post-auction process will remain mostly the same. Cards will continue to be charged for winning invoices following the auction. However there are a few things of note for both bidders and resellers alike:


Please make sure your card on file is up to date! If you need help updating your card information please refer to this guide:

Please make sure your shipping address is up to date and accurate! Because atgPay will be collecting sales tax on purchases please make sure that your address is accurate so you do not pay more/any tax that you are not required to. For all local customers you will continue to be charged our local Olympia, WA sales tax rate.


Please note that atgPay is requiring all resellers to upload a copy of their reseller's permits to Proxibid. You will not be eligible for your tax exemption until you upload a copy of your reseller permit! If you have previously uploaded your reseller permit to Proxibid it will still need to uploaded again. Please do not send it to us, upload it to Proxibid. You can find a step-by-step guide on how to do this here:

We are excited to provide this new payment solution for our customers. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at or reach out to Proxibid at (877) 505-7770 or